
Gift Wrap Packs

Our core product offering is environmentally friendly wrapping paper, sold in packs with a sheet of matching gift tags.

Each pack consists of five sheets of folded gift wrap (flat 500x700mm, folded 250x175mm). The paper has a quality feel but isn’t that super thick stuff that is hard to use! Our gift tags come on a die cut sheet, ready to push out. We have used the materials as cleverly as possible to give you not five, but eight gift tags! This way you will have spares if you mess one up, or if you have lots of smaller presents that don’t use up full sheets of gift wrap. By keeping them presented as a sheet, we’ve avoided the need for any additional packaging to hold them together.

We aim to create fun, fresh and vibrant designs. Currently all our designs are produced in-house, but in the future we hope to partner with some talented artists and designers to extend the creative span of our gift wrap pack designs.

What’s Next?

Later in the year we plan to create packs that contain a mixture of cohesive designs (rather than single design gift wrap packs).

We will also be launching a range of useful environmentally friendly notebooks. Other products in the pipeline include greeting cards, custom Christmas Crackers and some other party-related paraphernalia.

What we know for certain, is everything will be produced as environmentally friendly as possible, and all paper/card will be FSC Certified.